When Ernest Cobb, a sniper, begins targeting young victims, the team is forced to retrace the steps of the past in order to solve this modern day mystery...
On March 21, 1963, the inmates and guards at Alcatraz prison mysteriously disappear. To cover up the problem, the government reported the prison has been closed because of unsafe conditions. A secret government unit was set up to find the prisoners. Now, in the present-day, the inmates begin returning - unaged and unaware of where they have spent the missing decades - and continue their criminal ways. They are acting out of character and appear to be searching for specific objects. A federal agent employs a police officer and a conspiracy theory novelist to help track them down.
Revealing doors are opened and lives hang in the balance as Rebecca will stop at nothing in pursuit of the man who killed her partner.
Doc and Rebecca close in on a man who may be the key to revealing the secrets behind all the returning criminals. Meanwhile, Hauser makes a discovery beneath the halls of Alcatraz that brings him ever closer to the truth.
Rebecca, Doc, and Hauser set out to capture musically-inclined serial killer Webb Porter (guest star Malek), an unknown โ63 that returns more violent than ever
Clarence Montgomery was the only innocent man in Alcatraz but he's returned and is committing crimes.
This episode was scheduled to premiere on February 27, 2012, however it was postponed due to the weather delay of the 2012 Daytona 500.
It is available online.
It will air again on March 12.
Sonny Burnett, a man with a dark side, who became extremely violent while at Alcatraz reappears