The files here are an ‘alternate ending’ variant of ‘Labyrinth Of Evil.’ Several people have requested a version of the edit which retain the original theatrical ending, complete with Padme’s death and funeral on Naboo.
The version presented here is a modified version of ‘Labyrinth Of Evil,’ with the primary difference being that Padme dies as she did in the theatrical version. However, a few scenes omitted from LOE have been reinstated here that present this version of the story more fully. It is essentially LOE with the original ending reinstated and everything else that is implied by doing so.
This version features subtitles, though does not feature a commentary track.
This version of the fan edit is not what was originally intended by the editor, as the project was always arranged and structured with the modified ending in mind. However, due to repeated requests, this alternate version is being presented for those who would prefer it this way. |