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MOViE iNFO NAME: Tad: The Explorer RATiNG: 5.9 YEAR: 2012 GENRE: Animation, Adventure, Comedy DURATiON: 92 min SiZE: 2.83 GiB LANGUAGE: Sinkronizirano na Hrvatski iMDB:
Tadeo Jones, svima poznatiji kao Ted, Španjolac je s američkom adresom. Životni put odveo ga je u Chicago gdje je postao poznati arheolog. Da, ali samo u snovima! Ted, naime, radi kao građevinski radnik u jednoj tvrtki sve dok jednog dana ne dobije otkaz jer, umjesto da se primio čekića, on je sanjario o poslu arheologa. Pomoć odluči potražiti kod svog prijatelja, poznatog istraživača, profesora Humberta. Situacija se krene neočekivano razvijati kad profesor doživi nesreću, a Ted preuzima njegovo mjesto i odlazi u ekspediciju u Peru. Tedu će od velike pomoći biti njegov najbolji prijatelj, psić Jeff, a misija mu je spasiti mitski Izgubljeni grad Inka.
Tad is a celebrity archeologist and adventurer just like his hero Max Mordon... in his dreams! In reality, Tad is a Chicago construction worker. One day, however, he is mistaken for a real Professor and takes his place on a flight to Peru in search of the Lost City of Paititi. Professor Lavrof and his beautiful daughter Sara are waiting for the famous professor to crack the code. Unfortunately for Tad, Sara is engaged to real-life hero Max Mordon, but Max has secretly betrayed the Professor by teaming up with the evil Kopponen and his shady Odysseus corporation. Time for Tad to step up...