Plot: Breathe is a gritty psychological drama that follows the lives of ordinary men faced with extraordinary circumstances. Kabir Sawant, a brilliant but unconventional officer of the Mumbai Crime Branch, puts the pieces together of seemingly unconnected deaths that lead to an unlikely suspect - the affable Danny Mascarenhas. As Danny faces the difficult choice between morality and the slim possibility of saving his dying son's life, Kabir will not stop till he cracks the case and delivers justice.
Media Information
Container: MKV
Codec: x265
Framerate 23.976fps
Resolution: 1920x1080
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Overall Bit Rate: ~1700kbps
Bit Depth: 8 bit
Audio: Hindi AAC 6CH
Subtitle: English .srt [muxed]
Encoder: eMRaN @ TUT
Source: 1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL-NTb [Thanks!]