Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (December 31, 1995)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0442216122
ISBN-13: 978-0442216122
To combine scope of topical coverage with reasonable depth of detail of a field that is as broad and complex
as foods and their production, and to meet these objectives with one volume, requires a large book.
Tight editing alone will not accomplish this objective simply because there is so much to be described.
Statistically, this books contains:
2322 printed pages
1.9 million words
1201 separate editorial entries
2950 cross-reference headings
1006 illustrations
587 tables
7500 items in alphabetical index
Three Fundamental Stages of Food Production
In this encyclopedia, three fundamental stages of food production are addressed:
1. The start or initiation of the natural food-growth cycle-the seeds, rootstocks, seedling trees, the
mating or artificial insemination of livestock, the stocking of fisheries, among others.
2. The nurture of growing plants and animals through harvest, roundup, and postharvest preparation,
from which point "raw" food materials go either to (a) the fresh market; or (b) processors.
3. The processing of "raw" food materials into more refined and complex products for the marketplace.
Traditionally, in some countries, the processing aspects of food production have been referred to as food