This torrent contain Multiplayer files, removed from most repacks of GTA 5 (mine as well).
Studies show, that these files are actually needed by the game, but it shows only a few missions inside, especially in mission "Fame or Shame".
Without these files the game will crash & will not proceed futher.
Mosr repackers (and myself) just couldn't know it for obvious reasons, but I'm sorry anyway.
My future Ultra Repack will contain these "missing files" in compressed form of course.
So, instructions:
- Download torrent
- Copy the whole "update" folder to your installed game folder
- Run the game
These mission bugs should fade away. But not all, like the first & most notorius in "No Cops" mission. It's not file-related, but crack-related, just wait for Crack V3 or download save-files from this link And place them in C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA V\Profiles\DFE3B7FD