The game follows a female protagonist named Hannah, as you/she are suddenly thrust into the role as manager of the lingerie store 'Negligee' in a small Beach Front Town.
The owner agrees to find her some girls to join her in the shop, but it is down to you to decide who can work at the shop. Making such decisions can be a tricky and fun process.
As Hannah must get to grips with managing the store, it's staff and making key decisions to ensure it's success.
Read First: 1. All new release Japanese hentai are censored.
2. If you didn't see an [Uncen] tag in torrent's name. That mean its censored by default.
3. [Raw] =non-subtitle. [SubDESU-H],[EROBEAT],[HH] and [Engsub] =English subtitle
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5. Files in any [Uncen] torrents are definitely uncensored even some screenshots still censored.
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