There’s probably more dubious advice proffered by medicine about cardiovascular health than for any other health concern. High blood pressure, ‘bad’ cholesterol, the just-in-case drugs such as aspirin and the statins – all present a minefield for the unwary. Heart Health examines the claims and suggests ways of maintaining a healthy heart and arteries without the drugs that may be doing more harm than good.
Myths and causes
2 Heart of darkness
6 Every breath we take
10 Death by aspirin
14 High pressure salesmen
18 A high-fat lie
22 Atherosclerosis: scurvy in disguise
26 Stents: do they save lives?
30 Another Vioxx?
32 Gum disease: the link to heart health
Statin side-effects
35 The big ‘cure-all’ unmasked
36 Statins: a kick in the head
Natural alternatives
37 Avoiding heart flutters
40 Healing heart flutters naturally
41 Natural ways to beat stroke
42 A sweet truth