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MOViE iNFO NAME: Pinocchio RATiNG: 7.5 RELEASE YEAR: 1940 GENRE: Animation, Adventure, Comedy DURATiON: 88 min SiZE: 2.6 GiB LANGUAGE: Sinkronizirano na Hrvatski iMDB:
Pridružite se omiljenom Geppettovom lutku - pod vodstvom Cvrčka Cvrkija u nezaboravnoj potrazi koja propituje Pinokijevu hrabrost, privrženost i iskrenost, osobne kvalitete koje mora naučiti kako bi postao pravim dječakom.
Lonely toymaker Geppetto has his wishes answered when the Blue Fairy arrives to bring his wooden puppet Pinocchio to life. Before becoming a real boy, however, Pinocchio must prove he's worthy as he sets off on an adventure with his whistling sidekick and conscience, Jiminy Cricket. From Stromboli's circus to Pleasure Island, Pinocchio is tested by many temptations, but slowly learns how to navigate right from wrong. With a few mishaps along the way, Geppetto's "little woodenhead" finally gets it right, proving that when you wish upon a star dreams really can come true!