The Ren & Stimpy Show, also known as Ren & Stimpy, is an American animated television series created by John Kricfalusi for Nickelodeon. The series follows the adventures of title characters Ren, an emotionally unstable chihuahua and Stimpy, a good-natured yet dimwitted cat. The show premiered on August 11, 1991, as one of the original three Nicktoons alongside Rugrats and Doug. Throughout its run, the show was controversial for its off-color and dark humor, sexual innuendos, adult jokes, and violence. This controversy contributed to the production staff's altercations with Nickelodeon's Standards and Practices department. The show ended on December 16, 1995, with a total of five seasons and 52 episodes.
Ren & Stimpy received positive reviews during its original run. It would go on to receive widespread critical acclaim after its run and has since developed a cult following and had a long-lasting influence on television animation. A spin-off for adult audiences, Ren & Stimpy "Adult Party Cartoon", aired in 2003 on Spike but was taken off the air along with the rest of Spike's animation block after only three episodes.
This is only the original series, not the Adult Party Cartoon episodes. |