1920 X 826 H.264 video at 3200k video bitrate movie file duration 2hrs 42 minutes
448k 6 ch Dolby AC3 English main audio track
96k Stereo Italian add-on secondary Dolby AC3 audio track taken from a 720p version download on the net - thanks grazie
Subtitles folder included in this folder (there's more on the net)
are for Danish Dutch English French Norwegian Polish Romanian Spanish Swedish
Man has suffered such cruel inhuman barbarities over the periods of history
that have gone before us, that all too many people carry the effects in what
it is they experience of continual dissonance and the need to vent at times
insanely even in order to explain their sufferings as a result of the presence
of freaks who have the mind to inflict such cruelties, and indeed to the extent
that can only be described as demonic and certainly witch-like, I believe and is
evidenced I would say in what you see in this movie and others that are to come
that explain such horrors that are a reality at this time for what inhabits the earth in all too many of its inhabitants at the present time.
Lets pray for a more humane mindset to prevail as we seek a better way forward
free from the effects of such cruelly formed minds as are described in this movie and also free from the needs of their victims to vent in any way not Christianly
against others who are not the ones harming them in an evil way.