Welcome to VMware Workstation Pro™ documentation. Use the navigation on the left to browse through documentation for your release of VMware Workstation Pro. We update the online documentation with the latest point release information. For example, version 14 contains all the updates for 14.x releases. All our documentation comes in PDF format, which you can access by selecting the PDF download icon while reading a page or viewing a search result.
Features of the assembly:
Interface – English or Russian (translation from loginvovchyk in edition of 27.09.2018). The interface of the VMware Workstation language, is selected at the beginning of the installation
Does not require registration
Includes only Tools-Windows (for other OS can be downloaded separately)
The cached package for VMware Workstation in ???? \ Windows \ Installer has been reduced to 18.57 MB. For example, in the original, the cached packet is 481 MB
A patch has been applied, which makes it possible to install Mac OS X (Tools-Mac OS X (darwin.iso and darwinPre15.iso) in the assembly is present). darwin.iso and darwinPre15.iso are copied to the folder:% ProgramFiles% \ VMware \ VMware Workstation
Very important! Before running a virtual machine with Mac OS X, it is necessary in the virtual machine’s vmx file with Mac OS X, add the line: smc.version = “0”
Added a key / FindDel, designed to solve the problem with the removal of VMware Workstation. When using the key, VMware Workstation is searched, and if VMware Workstation is detected in the system, you will be prompted to remove VMware Workstation
Deleted folders:
VMware VIX \ *
VMware Workstation \ messages \ *
Deleted files:
VMware Workstation \ EULA.jp.rtf
VMware Workstation \ EULA.zh_CN.rtf
VMware Workstation \ TPClntdeu.dll
VMware Workstation \ TPClntjpn.dll
VMware Workstation \ TPViewdeu.dll
VMware Workstation \ TPViewjpn.dll
VMware Workstation \ x64 \ vmware-vmx-debug.exe
Installation keys:
/ S – installation of VMware Workstation in a quiet version with the English interface. The key is case-sensitive, and accordingly we use only / S, and not / s
If the wrong key was specified or not specified at all, then a normal installation with all dialogs and installation indication will occur.
/ S / Rus – installation of VMware Workstation in a quiet version with a Russian interface.
/ DisableTray – disables the display of the icon in the tray.
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