Plot: "You're All Surrounded" follows 4 twenty-something-year-old rookie detectives at a police station in Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea.
The 4 rookie detectives are Eun Dae-Koo (Lee Seung-Gi), Eo Soo-Sun (Go Ara), Park Tae-Il (Ahn Jae-Hyeon) and Ji Kook (Park Jung-Min) arrive at the Gangnam Police Station for their first day of work. None of the rookie detectives dreamed of becoming a detective. They then meet Seo Pan-Seok (Cha Seung-Won) for the first time. Seo Pan-Seok is the Chief Investigator for the #3 team.
Meanwhile, Eun Dae-Koo recognizes Seo Pan-Seok. He hasn't forgotten him in 11 years.[/i]